"The Uli Wacker Show" was a farewell Live talk show event aired on zoom in honor of the retirement of Mr. Ulrich Wacker, retiring after 39 years of career in the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for freedom.
The solution of a Live Talk Show was created after the 2020 world was completely turned over by Covid and reality, as we knew it, had to change. Mr. Ulrich Wacker had a long and meaningful career and the FNF Mena wanted to celebrate it uniquely.
The Live event was a costume-made show in honor of Mr. Wacker.
In the live event, there were live guests (Via Zoom), real capsule guests (the current colleagues), videos (VTRs) with a lot of participants that were present, and an interactive Trivia game containing fun facts letting the participants in the event learn a little something extra about the "man of the hour. Finally, to sum up the evening we interviewed Mr. Walcker himself who was surprised by the whole thing and was "kidnapped" to the studio only an hour before it all started.
I decided to create the concept of a "Talk Show" farewell when FNF turned to me because it was obvious that under the circumstances there is something special that needs to be done. a talk show seemed a respectable way from the one hand and, on the other hand, a way to make people take part from all over the world. I kept the hour interactive while communicating with the global audience, bringing guests Via Zoom and a small capsule to the location itself and playing Trivia of "Fun facts", while all along - Mr. Wackerwas experiencing a once-in-a lifetime event.
From Liron Zuckerman:
Creative Director of the Uli Wacker show